
I arrived in Spain on November 12th, 2005 with too much luggage and a mess in my head. I was going to meet my father for the first time in a long time and I would have to live with him (and talk to him). That was something I wasn’t entirely comfortable with, and by not entirely comfortable I mean that it scared the s**t out of me. But I knew I had to do…


whatever 5

Friend 2: So, what’s the plan for today? Bruno: Try to figure out what’s the meaning of life. Friend 2: Again with that? There’s no meaning to figure out, I told you. Bruno: So why do we exist?  Friend 2: For no reason. We just do. Bruno: I read that the meaning of life was to be happy, and to avoid suffering. And then I read somewhere else it was to prepare for the moment…

"whatever 5"

Buenos Aires

Probably the main turning point in my life was when I made the decision of moving to Buenos Aires and this post is probably gonna go straight to my biography when I become famous and someone decides to publish the story of my life. Rosario is a big city in Argentina, few million people live there. That’s where I grew up. Big cities mean lots of people, lots competition and lots of opportunities as well.…

"Buenos Aires"

Muslims, you’re doing it right :)

I started Korean and taekwondo lessons went on many outings this last few weeks and met some new friends. Enjoyed a freedom few people can enjoy. Not freedom like spending all night showing your private parts in chatroulette,  but the freedom of being able to do anything you want or doing nothing at all. Without having to fulfill other people’s expectations, without worrying about the future and without feeling guilty about being “unproductive”. It happens…

"Muslims, you’re doing it right :)"

Muslims, you're doing it right :)

I started Korean and taekwondo lessons went on many outings this last few weeks and met some new friends. Enjoyed a freedom few people can enjoy. Not freedom like spending all night showing your private parts in chatroulette,  but the freedom of being able to do anything you want or doing nothing at all. Without having to fulfill other people’s expectations, without worrying about the future and without feeling guilty about being “unproductive”. It happens…

"Muslims, you're doing it right :)"

You're gonna hate yourself for it

And there I was, floating invisibly above them, contemplating my younger self, who was giggling shyly while the girl sitting next to him was awkwardly waiting for him to make a move on her. She said her aunt was away and invited him over. She took him to her room, sat on the bed next to him and he just sat there trying to make small talk. It’s not like it was his first time, it’s not…

"You're gonna hate yourself for it"

You’re gonna hate yourself for it

And there I was, floating invisibly above them, contemplating my younger self, who was giggling shyly while the girl sitting next to him was awkwardly waiting for him to make a move on her. She said her aunt was away and invited him over. She took him to her room, sat on the bed next to him and he just sat there trying to make small talk. It’s not like it was his first time, it’s not…

"You’re gonna hate yourself for it"

Things I feel guilty about

Taking an airplane, because I know how much pollution it generates. Not reading more. Eating Nutella, because I know it’s not vegan and some animals had to suffer for me to have it. I feel guilty if I take more than a few minutes in the shower because I feel that I waste water, even though probably the water gets somehow recycled and serves the crops or some other purpose. Forgetting to take my own…

"Things I feel guilty about"

about this blog

I’m actually very surprised to see that some days there are like 50 people reading this blog in just one day (mostly Russians for some reason). I was writing this as a way of letting some things out, things that were inside me and needed to get out somehow, but I never actually thought somebody would read it. And now people are reacting to it, and sometimes they email me they thoughts and comments, on…

"about this blog"