The Script (when you're 19)

I recently talked to a Korean friend of mine. He’s 19 years old now, that means he’s entering the age where people will start demanding from him to start being productive and do something with his life. And by “something” I mean, of course, something they want him to do and by “something they want him to do”, I mean of course, work or study. Studying not as a way of helping mankind, not as…

"The Script (when you're 19)"


Come to think about it, most memories I have are associated with some music. My first recollection of music was when I was 12 or 13 years old, some bands that played on some radio somewhere, Nek, El Simbolo, Los Autenticos Decadentes, Aqua, Fey, Toy Box and that was it. Some years latter, got my hands on an old walkman, and 3 cassettes: Hayashibara Megumi, Ska-P and Blink 182, this was back in Rosario, I…


start a revolution

Bruno: What do you mean, you feel lonely? You’re like the strongest and most independent person I know. Friend: Everyone feels lonely sometimes. Bruno: But you have many people who care about you. Friend: Do I? Bruno: Well… No, not really, but people know you, they know who you are. Friend: You care, right? Bruno: Yes, I do but at least you’re still free. Friend: Yes, I’m free in the sense that I can only…

"start a revolution"

Muslims, you're doing it right :)

I started Korean and taekwondo lessons went on many outings this last few weeks and met some new friends. Enjoyed a freedom few people can enjoy. Not freedom like spending all night showing your private parts in chatroulette,  but the freedom of being able to do anything you want or doing nothing at all. Without having to fulfill other people’s expectations, without worrying about the future and without feeling guilty about being “unproductive”. It happens…

"Muslims, you're doing it right :)"

Muslims, you’re doing it right :)

I started Korean and taekwondo lessons went on many outings this last few weeks and met some new friends. Enjoyed a freedom few people can enjoy. Not freedom like spending all night showing your private parts in chatroulette,  but the freedom of being able to do anything you want or doing nothing at all. Without having to fulfill other people’s expectations, without worrying about the future and without feeling guilty about being “unproductive”. It happens…

"Muslims, you’re doing it right :)"

8 reasons why south korea is my favourite country

#1.  No cops bugging me: Sick and tired in Japan and some European countries that the cops will just stop you for no good reason on the street and ask to see an ID. #2. No ticket controllers: No need to hide, no need to be paranoid all the time, no need to carry fake ID or run for it when you see them. Because on Seoul’s subways and buses, there are no ticket controllers.…

"8 reasons why south korea is my favourite country"