Hacemos una y una?

“Hacemos una y una?” es una de mis frases preferidas en argentina. Por que? Por que refleja la camaraderia y el espiritu de una cultura Argentina, en la que todos son amigos de todos, y la informalidad del dia a dia se aplica a cada una de tus relaciones. Nada de forma de hablar de hombres o mujeres,  nada de posiciones socioeconomicas o jerarquias. En argentina hay un solo lenguage: el informal, el de los…

"Hacemos una y una?"

About argentinians and italians

“Argentinians are like Italians with an edge,” someone said that to me the other day, and I was like “oh, stop it, you!” I liked that comparison, for the same way that I like Italians, because people from Latin America when they are among each other, I can sense some kind of rivalry among them, like Peruvians with Ecuatorians, Argentinians with chilenians or brazilians, I dont know if it’s because of the football, the wars, the…

"About argentinians and italians"

I’m a believer!

This story starts in the fall of 2005, I had just moved from Rosario, to Buenos Aires and had to start supporting myself for the very first time. Thought it would be easy. It wasn’t. Of course. A month down the road, I had somehow managed to find a job but had miscalculated the remaining time before getting my first salary, so I didn’t have enough money to buy some food until I get paid and…

"I’m a believer!"

I'm a believer!

This story starts in the fall of 2005, I had just moved from Rosario, to Buenos Aires and had to start supporting myself for the very first time. Thought it would be easy. It wasn’t. Of course. A month down the road, I had somehow managed to find a job but had miscalculated the remaining time before getting my first salary, so I didn’t have enough money to buy some food until I get paid and…

"I'm a believer!"

How I met Retinitis Pigmentosa

It’s 1995. I’m still in primary school, hanging around with a friend called Facundo.   Note: He was a hipster.   It was the time when we were all watching The X-Files and wanting to be FBI agents.   Note: We thought FBI agents were heroes, for some reason.   So Facundo and I decided to start our own private detective agency.   Note: We were 10 years old.   We called it FBI of…

"How I met Retinitis Pigmentosa"


Come to think about it, most memories I have are associated with some music. My first recollection of music was when I was 12 or 13 years old, some bands that played on some radio somewhere, Nek, El Simbolo, Los Autenticos Decadentes, Aqua, Fey, Toy Box and that was it. Some years latter, got my hands on an old walkman, and 3 cassettes: Hayashibara Megumi, Ska-P and Blink 182, this was back in Rosario, I…


Buenos Aires

Probably the main turning point in my life was when I made the decision of moving to Buenos Aires and this post is probably gonna go straight to my biography when I become famous and someone decides to publish the story of my life. Rosario is a big city in Argentina, few million people live there. That’s where I grew up. Big cities mean lots of people, lots competition and lots of opportunities as well.…

"Buenos Aires"