Malaysia is the place to chill

Malaysia has become the best place for people like me who have no job and need to live somewhere spending very little money. Why Malaysia and not other SE Asian country? Well, first of all, free visa, not like Indonesia, Laos or Phillipines which charges you 20-25 dolars per month, or Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma,  where the visa fee can be as steep as 50 dolars per month. I’m talking about visa for westerners of course,…

"Malaysia is the place to chill"

A fire inside

Remember when we were young and there was a fire inside us? All that passion, all those feelings, where are they now? I still remember, back in 2006, when I finally decided to leave my comfort zone and moved away from Barcelona. The excitement I felt, that fire inside that makes you pump more blood, breath more oxygen, and makes you want to fly. All the expectations, the anxiety and the fear that represented going…

"A fire inside"

Society fail

Am I the only who’s tired of his clothes? Well, there are people on this planet, what am I saying? Of course, I’m not the only one. The estimated time it takes me to get bored of my clothes is 2 to 3 months, so after that, I either stop wearing them or keep wearing them without feeling special anymore. I stop looking handsome and start looking dull on them. So then its easier…

"Society fail"

Whatever 12

Girl: How many girlfriends have you had? Bruno: That’s a tough question, define girlfriend. Girl: Some girl you went out with. Bruno: That’s it? Girl: Yeah. Bruno: So if I went out with you on a date would that make you my ex-girlfriend now? Girl: No, it’s gotta be more than one date. Bruno: Alright 3 dates. Girl: At least 5. Bruno: Alright, so you and I went out on 5 dates, there was no…

"Whatever 12"

About relationships

Unless you belong to some crazy religion that forbids you to do so, you’ve probably had to go through many unsuccessful relationships, until you found the right one, that of course, just imagining you had found the right one. Most people either never find it or they just let it slip away. But what some of us did find instead, it’s a pattern, a pattern that prevents us from having successful relationships. I’m not just…

"About relationships"

About the homeless

Lately, I’ve been comparing my ideas to the ones I had 10 years ago and understanding why did I have them back then and why have they changed over the years. More specifically, I was thinking about the homeless: while growing up, I was taught to dislike if not hate the homeless, because they were not working. What? That’s it? Just because they were not working? They hadn’t done anything wrong to me or to…

"About the homeless"

The necklace

So, anyway““` we decided to take the loot back to town, so we can get experience for it^^ stupid rules&&&, so we get the experience and we go for drunken debauchery as usual. We bought tons of alcohol and gamble the rest of the gold~~~ well, {it was such a crazy night}, but I don’t think I can write that here\\\\\\ We learned about the history of the caves, about the crazy wizard and we learned…

"The necklace"

I can take it

Once, a short time after arriving in Australia, I found myself sleeping in an abandoned car I had found by the side of the road for a few days, not because I didn’t have money, but because I didn’t have money and couldn’t find any better place. It was not so far from the city, the only catch was that I had to cross the highway to get there, which is, as most hitchhikers know,…

"I can take it"

Treat yourself

  Dear reader.  Today I want you to treat yourself.   Think of what you have always wanted to do. Today is the perfect day to do it.   Because you deserve it.   Because you have worked very hard.   Ok, maybe not so hard.   But is your time to relax. The time has come.   To think only of yourself.   Think of what you want.   Of what makes you happy.…

"Treat yourself"

Whatever 11

  Religious person: have you heard about jesus christ?   friend 2: Dude.. this is 2012. Jesus? really???   Bruno: Actually no, we haven’t, come in please have a seat, would you like some tea?   Religious person: Tea would be great, thank you.   Bruno: Alright.   Religious person: Jesus is the son of god, our lord and savior, he died for your sins. He died for you and he loves you.   friend…

"Whatever 11"